Beautiful phenomena


I have done this before, and still, it amazes me. We throw boiling hot water into the frosty air, and it turns to snow and damp within seconds. 

boiling water freezing weather snow winter throw sunset

First, boil water, and put it in a container you can toss stuff from, like a thermos. 

boiling water freezing weather snow winter throw sunset

Put force into throwing the water out of the thermos as hard as you can. 

boiling water freezing weather snow winter throw sunset

Voila, looks beautiful! This time it was "only - 11 C " and last time we did it it was - 26, so this time it did not go as well as the first time, but still super nice. Ohh yeah, and the sunrise gives a cool touch to it huh?

boiling water freezing weather snow winter throw sunset

Cool in the light before sunrise too :)


March 4, 2020

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