We did pretty well this year, but others' weren't so lucky...


The time for harvest is here, but it's not that easy for everyone. We've had floods all over the east side of Norway just this last week! Our local shopping center is completely flooded, and the groceries are floating in the streets!!

Lucky for us , we were able to get 2/3 of our crops harvested before the second big rain hit.

Kristoffer drove the whole day, non stop, Sunday and Monday when it was dry enough, and my dad took over when he was having dinner. Luckily, it all went smoothly!

Coffee to go!! :)

We drive the tractor and hanger by the side of the harvester so that we don't have to stop to empty the tank.

The Quinoa field was doing really good before the second rain. Now a lot of them are broken...

Sunflowers, too... Great before, broken after! :(

Late night harvesting. Luckily we have big farm fans that dry the crops after they are inside, too.

I took a screenshot (above) from a farm newspaper - pretty bad, huh!? The farmer parked the harvester there the day before - on dry land!!

Actually - farming is kind of like an extreme sport with all the crazy circumstances we can't control! 


March 4, 2020

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